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- L. P. Gor'kov, "On the forces acting on a small particle in an acoustical field in an ideal fluid," Sov. Phys. Dokl. 6, 773775 (1962). It is unfortunate that this historic article is unavailable online.
- M. Stern, "An Introduction to Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics," University of Texas at Austin, class notes, (2004).
- P. J. Westervelt, "The theory of steady forces caused by sound waves," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 23, 312-315 (1951).
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- P. M. Morse and K. U. Ingard, Theoretical Acoustics (McGraw-Hill, 1968).
- D. T. Blackstock, Fundamentals of Physical Acoustics (Wiley, 2000).
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- H. Lamb, Hydrodynamics, 6th edition, Dover (1932), pp. 513 and 658-9.
- J. H. Ginsberg, "Perturbation Methods," in Nonlinear Acoustics, 3rd ed., edited by M. F. Hamilton and D. T. Blackstock (Springer, 2024), Ch. 10.
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- D. T. Blackstock, "History of Nonlinear Acoustics: 1750s–1930s," in Nonlinear Acoustics, 3rd ed., edited by M. F. Hamilton and D. T. Blackstock (Springer, 2024), Ch. 1.
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