Wave Phenomena

These are my class notes from Wave Phenomena, M E 384N, Spring 2024, taught by Professor Mark F. Hamilton in the Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. My notes almost exactly follow the material presented in the lecture (aside from a few topics that have been re-arranged for conceptual consistency), and I have made some additional comments and linked references in deep blue. Also, the relevant quotations of famous physicists at the tops of the pages were my addition.


  1. Mathematical preliminary
  2. Fourier acoustics
  3. Rayleigh integrals
  4. Fraunhofer approximation
  5. Fresnel approximation
  6. Moving media
  7. Periodic media
  8. Scattering theory

Additional handouts


Please send suggestions, corrections, and insights to:

Chirag Gokani