Homework & Syllabus

Perfect numbers, like perfect men, are very rare.

– René Descartes

Homework is due on Fridays at 9:00 p.m.. Corrections (due the following Friday, along with the next assignment) are required on scores below a B-; corrections are optional but recommended for students who score a B- or better. Recall that a minimum grade of B- must be made to receive an IntelliChoice Scholarship at the end of the summer. See the syllabus for more details.

  1. Algebra basics, due June 5th
  2. Inequalities, Absolute Value, Dimensional Analysis, due June 12th
  3. Quadratics, due June 19th
  4. Exponents and Logs, due June 26th
  5. Graphing, due July 3rd
  6. Geometry, due July 10th
  7. Trigonometry, due July 17th
  8. Complex Numbers, due July 24th

Please submit any final drafts/corrections in the last week of the course by 9:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 30th.

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